To be specific, you can either take the regular steps to manually uninstall Mendeley and delete its leftovers, or instead, utilize a professional, handy removal tool to save a lot of troubles and achieve perfect result. If you have problems in uninstalling Mendeley, check this post to learn how to properly remove unwanted app on Mac. Mendeley can be easily installed on your Mac, but to uninstall Mendeley you need to do more than just deleting it from the /Applications folder. What is Mendeley? It is a free research-management tool for desktop and Web, designed for managing and sharing research papers, discovering research data, and collaborating online. This creates an unformatted document which can be submitted for marking.Cannot Uninstall Mendeley for Mac? Get Help Here In the Mendeley toolbar in Word, go to “Export as”.Save an unformatted copy of your document Click on “Refresh” in the Mendeley references tab.Highlight the reference, then use delete key to remove it.
Edit your reference, for example, add page numbers or suppress author and click on OK.Within the box, click to the right of the citation you wish to edit, leaving no spaces. Click on Edit Citation in the Mendeley toolbar.
Go to the citation and click inside the bracket (citation turns grey). You can also add keywords and tags in this panel. Edit as necessary by clicking in the field and typing your changes. Scroll down to check all the fields in the record. Make sure the reference type is correct, for example journal article. The details of the record appear in the right-hand panel. Go to Mendeley desktop and highlight the relevant reference in the central panel. You may need to edit a record in Mendeley. Check the references to make sure they display correctly. Your bibliography will appear in your chosen style.
Place your cursor at the end of the document and click on “Insert bibliography”. Click on the relevant reference to insert an in-text citation. Choose insert citation from the toolbar, and search for relevant reference in your Mendeley library (start typing a few letters and a list of your relevant references appears). Start typing your document, then place the cursor where you want a citation to be inserted in the text. Select your referencing style from the drop-down menu. Once the plugin is installed, open a new Word document. You may have chosen to install the MS Word plugin when you first registered for your account, but if not, go to “Tools” then Install MS Word Plugin. Before you start, open a Word document and close it again. Desktop Mendeley must be installed in order to use the plugin in Word.